So last night I went with my sister to see the Pee-Wee Herman Show live at the Nokia theatre in Downtown LA. I fucking loved Pee-Wee when I was a kid. I watched that shit every time it was on TV and I even own the original Pee Wee's Playhouse series on dvd, so you know I was stoked when my sister told me she copped us tickets. =) (click photos to enlarge)

^My sister and I after entering the Nokia theatre. Lol at the dude posing like us in the far background. We tried to dress somewhat Pee-Wee-ish. I was actually planning on wearing the red bow belt that I wore to the last Pink Powwow that I went to, but I couldn't find it. There were actually plenty of people wearing red bow ties and Pee Wee inspired garb. It was cool.

^Before heading to our seats.
Photos were not allowed in the theatre during the show, but I was able to steal a few shots...
The stage was set up to look like Pee-Wee's Playhouse. I so wanted to jump on the stage for a photo op, but there were so many people standing around the stage when the show ended.

^I felt like an giddy little school girl when the curtains opened to expose my dream playhouse, complete with Pee-wee, Chairry, Mr.Window, Magic Screen, Conky and the rest of the gang. God I wanted this playhouse so bad when I was a kid. I'm actually seriously thinking of having a Chairry made for my second living room. Oh man, that would be sick.

^I had to steal another shot with Pterri in it. Chairry and Pterri were my favorites as a kid. =)

^After the show. My face hurt from laughing so much.
The show was great. It was actually funnier than I thought it would be. It was a bit more grown up without being too raunchy-totally well done. The audience was totally into it, which made it even more fun. AHHHHHHH!!!!! "Fun" was actually the secret word. Lol. The house was packed. Pee-Wee has lots of followers. If you ever grew up watching Pee Wee's playhouse, I would totally recommend that you watch the show. It was extremely entertaining and totally worth it. The had all of the characters including Cowboy Curtis (played by Phil Lamarr not the original Mr.bigshotmatrixdude lol), the original Miss Yvonne, Jamby, Randy, the King of Cartoons and more! They even showed a quickie of Pee-Wee's ball of foil. God, it really brought back memories. It was an awesome experience.

^They changed downtown LA a lot. I guess they're trying to make it a bit like NYC. It looks way cooler and there's so much more to do.
Guess that's all.
oooh i didnt even know this was happening! Looks like fun and yeah I like that whole area around the nokia, that'll be the closest I ever got to NY :P
LOL you and your sis are always dressed to impress!
Pee-Wee is the shit! LOL Aww Lawrence Fishbourne didn't reprise his role?! LOL!
I had no idea Pee-Wee has a show! I grew up with that man and his funhouse! Thanks for the pics!
how cool! i loved Pee Wee growing up too. *sigh i gotta be in LA where all the action is. Bay Area sucks balls!
omg i loved pee wees playhouse and remember the movie?? tell em large marge sent ya!! lmaoo i have to get tickets!! is this still going on??
Sounds fun!!! Maybe the show will go on tour??
It does look a little Times Square-ish! I've been been to LA... Isn't that sad....
Soul Food Sista!
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