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FanVixens in: Bizarro Au Go-Go is an 88 page color photo book featuring the sculptures, props, and special FX of Cig Neutron and the Photography and photo manipulation of Rannie Rodil. From comic book catfights, to advertisements for bizarre products that you can actually order, to hot chicks covered in GALLONS of BLOOD. Throw in a cheesy sense of humor and there you have it, this book has more puns than the Cryptkeeper. What's not to love? The best part is all this can be yours for only $20!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wondercon 2012

This update is a bit late, but Bizarro Au Go-Go had a booth at the 2012 Wondercon in Anaheim with Ink Pen Mutations Press. Here are some photos of the event.

 ^Crazy cannibals

 I was impressed with her costume made of duck tape and cardboard. 

 ^Awesome Nathan Explosion. He was at LBCC as well. 

 The cool kids

Day 2
 Maidbot 5000 makes a comeback.


 With our friend Richard Starking. Creator of the awesome Elephantmen.

 He was asking for it.

 Day 3
 Vikings trying to get a taste of mamma rays from the mammaraygun.

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