More Cosplay, less me. Well, you do get some of my -ehem- witty commentary. Enjoy, bitches!

^Hot video game bitch.

^"I'd kill the children of a thousand planets, just to see you smile." haha

^hot video game bitch. haha. shit cracked me up.

^Boobies! and they're not mine...

^Evil Cheerleaders.

^Imagine him sitting across from you at the nail shop getting his acrylics painted neon yellow.

^baddest costumes at the con.

^Scariest Skeletor evar!

^Must've been tiring walking around like this all day.

^Love cosplay teamups.

Haha! Funny makeshift Magneto.

^Cobra hottie looks sorta like Claire Danes.

^Flipflops and brown socks. ish don't think so.

^hell yeah!

^Not really a costume. Just a regular San Diegan hippy.


^Love obscure characters

totally radical!

^Reminds me of a Vegas slot whore. haha. "Keep the free white russians coming, lady!"

^hot star wars bitch.

^reminds me of a nightmare i recently had.

^Karmyn. love this babe. She helped us so much during the con. She's sweet, witty, and cute as a button. She will be replacing Cobb for future outings where interacting with people will be involved. =P


^While we were hustling. haha.

^If you're a venture bros fan this might be familiar. haha.

^who wouldn't love watching this shit.

^Much later and she's still posing. haha. she must have a mean kungfu grip.

^are those Hulk Smash Hands?

^Hot Trekkie bitches.

^For some reason they don't catch me as half naked. Hardly eye-catching. Maybe there isn't enough contrast between the color of the skin and the color of the costume. Not trying to talk shit, just saying...

^I wonder if she's still sober...

^Bitch needs to get her roots done. What is that 3 inches? Come on, 129,000 people at Comic Con and she shows up looking like this. Way to represent for us Islanders. Eh she was a hot mess on TV and she's a hot mess in person. At least she's keeping it real.

Who wore it better? lol.

^and i thought my wig was funny. lol.

blaine's doing the same speedracer pose. haha.

^Girl in the background cracks me up for some reason.


^real battles going on. haha!


^Crazy shit

^Rob Van damn he's still hot.

^and of course, Waldo was there to be found.
Basically, one could 'people' watch all day at comic con.
Fuck that was a lot of photo uploading!
Costume trends this Comic Con. Elektra, Thor, GI Joe...ideas for FanVixens 2011?
Did you see any Poison Ivy-s? I'm trying to decide on her of Harley Quin for Halloween.
PS: Great pictures! I have a comment for each one, but that's alotta typing and my nails are in my way :P
Happy you had a great time!
Haha, your comments had me crackin' up...brown socks and flip flops and that girl in the background did have an odd look to her. Looks like a lot of fun!
haha Love the old school btaman group! haha waldo DOES look like waldo! you tooks tons of photos! thanks for sharing! wish I could go one year...
I love seeing all the cosplay! Thank you for sharing these great pics!! LOL! I'd be comparing peeps in the same costume or as the same character all day! LOL! :) I love the Waldo guy! LOL! HA ROB VAN DAMM! For some reason I can't watch any of his movies. IDK why. LOL!
ANd I twittered you on Sat. I GOT IT!! :) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! I LOVE IT!! Even the BF is drooling over it now. My second fave after your Dr. Girlfriend is the Jay & Silent Bob chicks!! I LOVE ALL THINGS KEVIN SMITH! LOL! Except Jersey Girl. IDK what he was thinking on that one! LOL! ANd Thank your for the living doll cards! :) All your models are pure hotness! :)
r ur boobs real ????
they look GREAT btw
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