Okay, back to the good stuff.
"I'm not into costume play, I'm into costume business. "-The Monarch (my hubby) haha.
So on Friday and Saturday I dressed as my calendar character...

^Haha. I had to make this the first image. Um is that red polish on his toes?

^One of the only images I could find of the back. don't know who took it. haha. I know most of my junk will always be in my trunk. It's a blessing and a curse.
I'm he supervillain, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch. Formerly known as Queen Etherea, Lady Au Pair, and Dr. Girlfriend from the Venture Brothers cartoon series on Adult swim.
Anyways. It really helps to live near hollywood. It doesn't have to be Halloween to get a banging costume together at the last minute. How....let me 'splain.
-Got the custom styled wig from Hollywood Wigs for $50. I just went in, picked a wig and emailed them photos from my phone of the character. The wig was ready the next morning.
-Custom gold thigh high hooker boots about $160. I bought from Mayas Shoes in Hollywood for I think $75 and I got them custom fitted at Gary's shoe repair (they were loose at the calf and thigh n look retarded) for only about $80. Another place was trying to charge me $200 pfsh. A friend recommended Gary's near the West Side Pavilion. Much better price, super fast, super friendly, and he did a really awesome job too.
-The gold gauntlets(I chose this over fingered gloves for comfort) , gold choker, and metallic black spandex leotard I got made from Ge taime in Hollywood. If I had given myself more time I could've paid to have them do more modifications for me, but again, retarded move on my part, they were busy and I had to do it myself. Ge taime is really great for getting custom hooker gear. They measure you and make outfits for you in any fabric you want. You can even go to the garment district Downtown and bring it to them. I'm so glad I found this out for my next calendar! I just need time and a game plan and I'll pay the pros to do what they do best. It'll save me lots of time and heart ache.
So I had to modify this bad boy.

^Partially worked on. Started adding the gold trim. Shitty pic from my iPhone. I was in zombie mode. I also lowered the front and back a lot which meant I had to totally shorten everything to actually keep my goodies from spilling out all over the place. Like I've said I'm no costume maker so this was a bunch of trial and error. Lots of poking myself with pins. Good thing I didn't accidentally pop a titty like Kanye rapped about. haha. Sewing it by and and making it look clean was also a challenge. Eck, what a nightmare. I should've just bought a new sewing machine, but it was about 3am when I had come to that realization.
This took me a long ass time. I'm no costume maker. Just an artist. A jack of many trades, but a master of none. haha. Lots of back breaking labor intensive shit. Why? First off, my sewing machine broke, so all sewing was hand stitched. I had shitty scissors, forgot to buy gold trim when I was at the garment district, and I worked on this at the very last minute, like 2 days before comic con. So I had to do lots of improvising and ghetto rigging to do. It could've been much better, had I given myself more time, but I'm pretty big on procrastinating as you've seen.
This is what I had to work with...

Does anyone recognize Tootsie's gold dress? Yeah, I had to slaughter it for the gold trim. Used an old shoe box to hand sketch the designs for the front and back. I was going to hand stitch it to the front and back, but I remembered I had Instant Vinyl that I used for making the Pleather catwoman ears. It saved me lots of time. The red metallic fabric, and sheer yellow wing fabric, was bought from the garment district. I think I spent about $25 on the 2 and I have lots left over.

The crown. It was shitty, I know. Just cut it out of gold poster board. I know I could've done better, but hey last minute. Rough pattern. Yes, my friends, anything can make a circle. Just use your imagination....
More photos of the con... Click any to enlarge...

^Sexy sisters.

^Loved her contacts. BTW our lips are 100% natural. I'll post photos of us as fish lipped kids when I find one to scan. Pfsh.
One of those OMFG moments....

^ The members of my guild (including hubby) found me. hahaha!

^I heard they were their, but I was to busy to go looking for anyone this year. haha. made my day.

^This chick is awesome!

^Our minions!

^Real metal chest plate! That's right, bitches!

^Too adorable! =)

^Getting my hustle on. Loved getting feedback from real fanboys. FanVixens 2011 will be even hotter. =)

^Looks like I was trying to hold in a fart. haha.

^Guy to the far right...he was drawing me for a long time. The crew felt like we were on some sort of Boiling Points show. He was opposite of discreet. haha. I didn't mind. Which reminds me, big shout out to the makers of anti-depressants.


^With friend comedian, Mike Black. Nice shirt, Mike. haha.

^Presenting Mr. West with a gift. No, not my boobs. I don't remember what I was saying at that moment or why I was holding my fun bags. They were filming while we presented him with a little pack with our books and my calendar. I think it's his documentary or something. They were such great booth neighbors we had to show them some love!
I had way too many images posted in this entry so I'm just gonna break it up and continue it later. Sick of SDCC yet? or perhaps just me? =P
BTW, the bruises are healing so slowly. I look like a crack whore. haha.

This is what happens when you drink too much. Looks like the legs of a crackwhore. haha.
OMG OMG OMG!! You know that I'm a Venture Brother's freak right?! You make a knock down drop dead gorgeous Dr. Mrs. The Monarch!! And how cool was it to find your hubby, St. Hatred, Underbite, Hiteler, Dr. Killenger AND henchmen?! SWEET!!
My friend was Monarch for Halloween last year. And his gf Dr. Girlfriend obviously. BUt I think we're all gonna dress up this year. THey're gonna be the same, and my BF is gonna either be St. Hatred or Dr. Killenger. He's on the chubby side that's why! LOL! And I wanna be either 21 or 24!
That's soo cool that you and Adam West got along great as booth neighbors too! And I hope them "crackwhore legs" heal up soon!
love it! I see vash! I miss cosplaying... but its just way too expensive for me at the moment.
These were great pictures.
I hope your bruises get well soon.
How does your costume stay on with that uber-deep V at the front? Did you use tape?
Ah! I miss Venture Brothers- my night show:] Such a long time ago.
Anyhow, you and your costume are hot! I totally love how you pulled the entire thing off:]
You and your sis def. have great ass-ets! No sagging or dimples<3
And ouch! I actually have a 6"X4" bruise on my knee from riding a roller coaster ride. My leg kept banging the metal bar, haha.
Well, looks like a ton of fun and I wish I could have been there.
Take care then!
OMG! DR GIRLFRIEND!!!! Best costume EVER!!! You had to use the double sided sticky tape to keep your love muffins in place! LOL! Minions!!!!
Your costume looks soo good! I wish I had the patience and creativity to make my own but you inspire me to try make my own for Halloween this year. =P
I'm obsessed with your booty! I need more angles!!! I wanna come to LA and play dress up! I'll need a lot more fabric :(
I don't get random drunky bruises, I guess it's a benefit of being black?, lol
@Piggy and ethereal prey
Actually the metallic spandex material really sticks well to the body, so if you make it tight enough it doesn't slip. I just put some black gorilla tape on my nips in case there was an accidental slip. I actually had to peel it off the my body at the end of the day.
Jared Leto's penis;
you have the nerve to talk about that girls roots in her hair. look, dumbass, you ain't the model of perfection yourself, so get over yourself, you drunk, rehab tramp. Learn some manners.
hello! `=]
was browsing for ideas for halloween costumes, & your dr. mrs. the monarch totally inspired me! amazing job, you look gorgeous! `=]
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