(click photos to enlarge)
For the last day of SDCC, I wanted to go for my version of the Japanese Gothic Lolita look. I got to finally rock the awesome Lolita hat that the talented craftswoman
Kim Tia sent to me back in April. It totally pulled the look together. Actually the hat is what inspired the look.

^This girl was awesome. She even did the complete dance.


^We chased him down for a photo as they were closing.

^Best friend from Junior High. =)

^Fuckin rocket boy. haha.

^Aww horror booth babes footsies hurt. Seriously after rocking the Dr. Girlfriend boots, my second toe on each foot were numb for well over a month. They are actually just getting back to normal.

^haha. I thought this was funny. I actually haven't seen it because I am a grown ass woman who's too busy to fall in love with a teen vampire story. I can't say I hate it, or that I'm a fan. I'm more of an old school Bram Stoker's Dracula fan. I don't have anything against the whole Twilight phenom. Maybe I'll watch it if it's on HBO and there's nothing else on. Otherwise, I wouldn't go out of my way to really fan it or bash it.

^Hot bloody bitches.

^With my nephew. He's all growed up now.

^Thought this was cute...
After the Comic Con...
So during the con, I was real serious about getting my hustle on. I decided not to party until it was all over. We headed over to Anthony's to start with our oysters shots, which has been an Inkpenmutations tradition since the first con we participated in.

^Enjoyed this on the way.
Blaine and Tuan enjoy it in their own special way...

^To another successful year!

^Went to some random club downtown and ran into our bro.

^Tuan's such a whore.

^Uh the photos they take when you leave them with your camera. haha.
Got trashed then left the club and ran across the street to get one more round of tequila shots.

^The gang...

^Happy drunk, tired drunk, angry drunk, sloppy drunk.

^Pose off...haha.

^Oh yeah, that's hot. haha.

^This is what happens when you try to share a seatbelt with your older sister.


^Back at the motel for a sexy shoot on a sweet ride.
Woohoo! Good times.
oh my god. that looked like a lot of (drunken)fun. my fave pics are the ones where you're sharing a seat belt with your sis...she looks completely oblivious to your problem.
is that in San Diego? :)
LOL Lynn you crack me up!! I love seeing all the costumes at SDCC!! That girl is a believable Umpa loompa! And you look amazingly HOT as always!! KT's Lolita Hat just tops it like icing on the cake! :)
LMFAO at the after party pics!! I'll say this, you guys sure know how to have a good time! :)
Jared Leto's Penis;
After viewing your photos it's just a matter of time until you get into hardcore porn. face it, you are a drunk, a druggie, a wanna-be-artist' an average photographer and an idiot. what else do you have going for yourself except to get wasted almost every night. IDIOT. the question is are you going to do a gangbang porn or just girl on girl?
Jared Leto's penis;
as you can tell i have nothing better to do than send my love to you. individuals like you discuss me because you have the nerve to have a booth at comic con but yet you act like a porn star. when i was there the 2nd day i should've taken out my 'jared leto's penis' and waved it in front of your face and then you could've really got excited, right baby?
how many other idiot celebrities have you slept with or just plain sucked them dry?
is that how you got your VIP for the nin concert? and is that how you got your booth for the comic con?
c'mon, baby you can tell me. p.s. your work sucks my ass and jared leto's ass!!!!
haha the pictures are awesome especially the poses! man it makes me wish i had sisters to hang out with.
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